A Romantic, Engagement Session at Big Sky's Moonlight Basin

Nataliia + Richard

July 11 | Big Sky, Montana

I first met Richard through my husband a couple of years ago at a paragliding event in Missoula. (Although I've tried it, I'm not a paraglider. I'd kill myself up there. Panic, my first response to danger, doesn't mix well with being suspended several thousand feet in the air by strings.)

Since Richard paraglides, he struck me as a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Even while attending law school, he spent his free time speedflying and paragliding around Montana. And if you've had the pleasure of meeting Richard, you know that he's a give you the shirt off his back kind of guy. 

2011 Richard paragliding at a Missoula site.

2011 Richard paragliding at a Missoula site.

Richard was also a bit of a mystery. I knew he often traveled to visit his European girlfriend. I knew nothing more about her. I'd never seen a picture. I didn't know her name. But I did know Richard was crazy about her, and shortly after he moved to Billings to practice law, he proposed to her.

My first encounter with Richard's fiancee happened last spring via an email from a bride inquiring about my availability on August 29. The email did not mention her fiance's name. Just a date and location. As I was already booked, I replied to let her know I was unavailable.

A few minutes later, I received this response: 

"How about August 28?" 

At this point, I was excited because I was free the 28th. Then, I took a second look at the name of the bride. Nataliia. Double i. Very non-American spelling. To my surprise, the bride I'd been emailing was Richard's fiancee.

I finally had the pleasure of meeting Nataliia when she and Richard came to Big Sky for their Moonlight Basin engagement session. The Lodge graciously allowed us the use of their dining area and patio to create some stunning candid and posed images.

Throughout the shoot and the aperitifs that followed, I decided that it must have been easy for Richard to fall for Nataliia. She recently completed her Master's Degree in Linguistics. Obviously, she's beautiful, and after working with her for a few hours, my camera was smitten, too.

I'd love to share more about how these two lovebirds managed to meet, become engaged, and host an elegant Big Sky wedding. And I will. Next week.

Montana Wedding Photography: Becky Brockie Photography

Location: Moonlight Basin, Big Sky, Montana

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